Using social media, you can build connections with people; bring attention to your work that can help you in your job hunt, and discover new ideas and trends in the market among others.
However, you can also put that dream job, promotion, or raise in jeopardy if you keep sharing questionable things on your social media accounts.
Social Media posts have a great impact on your ability to be hired. Employers nowadays take an applicant’s conduct on social media very seriously. This is because showing behavior that is uncalled for can pose a threat to the company’s reputation.

In this article, I will share with you 10 social media moves that could completely sabotage your career.
Let us get started!
1. Forgetting That Your Social Media Accounts Are An Extension Of Who You Are
Your social media accounts reflect where you are in your career and how you present yourself to the real world.
Profiles can positively influence your status as a job seeker if you are posting things that show you are an influencer in the space, knowledgeable, and friendly
On the other hand, if you are constantly posting snarky stuff on your social media handles with a negative tone, things might not go well with you when an employer is trying to get a complete picture of you as a prospective candidate to be hired.
2. Employers Looking For Red Flags Online
More often than not, an employer will search for you on social media. They do this to get a better picture of who you are and explore your candidacy further.
They look for any red flags like bullying, trolling, and making offensive comments or posts.
Such can be viewed as a reflection of not only who you are, but the potential inability to handle yourself professionally.
3. Complaining About Your Job
If you are trying to advance your career, never post something like, “This meeting is a total waste of time” or “That’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back!” This only shows how impatient and negative you are and can make an employer quickly pass judgment on you.
Rather, you should leverage that frustration to network in a positive way and commit to work.
4. Sending a Friend Request To Someone You Just Interviewed With
You know that feeling when you smashed an interview; Not only did you answer with utmost confidence, but you and your could-be boss had a lot in common and got along so well.
While it is tempting to connect with them on Facebook to keep the mojo running, you should instead hit pause.
There are certain hazards like the little white lies that come with crossing certain boundaries on social media. For instance, it will raise eyebrows if you forego a work-related event, let us say because you said you were not feeling well and attended a birthday party of a friend whose photos you are tagged in.
5. Don’t be a Jerk Online
When someone posts a link, a photo, or a statement that you wholeheartedly disagree with, it can be super tempting to put him or her in his or her place.
In addition, while getting the final word might be gratifying if you do it inappropriately or meanly, it could dissuade a possible employer from meeting with you. Do not post rude or offensive comments on any of the social media handles.
Do not post rude or offensive comments on any of the social media handles. You should know that it could be found and will tell what kind of person you are to your future employer.
6. Making Silly Spelling Mistakes
Even if you are not a copywriter, editor, or advertiser, there is one solid fact that carries through all professions: basic spelling and grammar proficiency.
Regardless of how sparkling your resume may be with relevant experience and spot-on skills, if there are typos and errors, it can be game over.
The same applies to your social media accounts. You may post a spectacular photo of a beautiful sunset in Dubai, but if there are errors when you post, employers too may think you are not detail-oriented.
7. Not Following Companies You Lust After
If you have always wanted to work at Google or there is a local agency in your hometown that just kills it, don’t you want to know what they are up to? By making an effort to like its Facebook company page and follow it on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, the employer will notice your attention to detail and your dedication.
It will also help you get to know the company’s style, making you better equipped and prepared when you finally do snag that interview.
Many companies have Twitter feeds displaying their latest openings, and you can gain tremendous insight into their corporate culture by the tone, voice, and nature of their postings
8. Sharing Random Stuff About You
One way to indicate to your boss or the boss you want to have that you are an expert in your field is to show them how involved you are in the industry.
This could be displaying yourself as an influencer or posting content that will help and inspire other people around you. It demonstrates that you understand that you are part of a community and that you are adding to the value of the platform.
You do not want it to be a monologue, but a dialogue. Interact, have a conversation, participate in Twitter chats or comment/telegram/ Instagram posts
9. Neglecting Your Tagged Photos
While your bestie may mean well posting that video of you drunk at karaoke on Instagram or Facebook, keep a careful eye out for what they are tagging you in and if it is, appropriate.
While you might worry, that it is rude, your pal will understand as you try to work your way up the ladder. Make sure to have your friends aware you do not want to be tagged in such photos either.
A simple picture is worth 1,000 words and can make your future employer make a snap judgment about your professional capabilities based on the kind of personal photos you share with the rest of the world
10. Forgetting To Check Your Privacy Settings
Social media is a rapidly changing industry, and with it, your control over its near-daily transformations lessens. While you can always change your privacy settings, you need to make sure you are consistently staying up-to-date on what is visible, what is not, and what your Google search is looking like.
Remember that what is private today may not be private tomorrow based on how that platform uses your information, so be conscious about what you are sharing and posting.
Other Moves That Could Completely Sabotage Your Career Include;
- Posting incriminating photos
- Posting when you should be working
- Bullying, trolling, and making offensive comments
- Sharing confidential information and Broadcasting your job search can make your self-image look horrible or even unprofessional to the recruiter.
Social media posts have allowed companies to filter candidates based on the content of their online profiles. So ought to scrutinize what you post online.
If you have any suggestions or additions, kindly leave in the comment section below.
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