The majority of the businesses in South Sudan still don’t understand the power of social media marketing. They often believe that just establishing their businesses in the right environment that is to say in an apartment, rental store or office would guarantee them continuous sales. But take it or leave it, today social media has turned out much of a priority than an option.
The heart of the matter is that the offline market in South Sudan is becoming unreliable as competition is now shifting to the online space.
Today, thousands of South Sudanese now spend their days and nights online. They go online to do everything from researching, reading, gossiping, and chatting to checking out the latest trends, and in the process, they find out what their favorite brands are up to.
According to a report by Datareportal, there were 900.7 thousand internet users in South Sudan in January 2021. 450.0 thousand of those internet users were using social media in January 2021.

In this article, I will be breaking down some of the reasons why every business in South Sudan should hire a social media manager whether they want to get more customers, grow sales, build credibility around their brand, or hire employees.
1. Improve Your Brand Image
Established companies like MTN South Sudan and Zain have all built a strong reputation online using the power of social media. And because of their social media influence, many people have come to know and trust them with time.
Hiring an experienced social media manager would enable your Company’s social media handles and your brand to be promoted to a wider audience.
And depending on the experience of your social media manager, your brand’s image can be boosted and end up as a household name.
2. Engage More Customers
As you promote your business online, prospective clients will come in contact with your brand, and the perception your promotions carry will determine whether those people can convert into paying customers or never probably.
Converting people who encounter your brand online is not a walk in the park and for this, you will need to hire the services of a professional social media manager.
3. Establish Better Communication With Customers
Social media gives you the opportunity to talk with your customers in their comfort zones. You can directly message them via messenger or WhatsApp with customers who do have inquiries or complaints about your services.
Customers don’t want to just be listened to but they also want to know that their opinions matter. When you talk with customers and make them feel heard or important, you would slowly build an emotional connection with them and your brand hence eventually turning them into loyal customers.
Thus the only way to fill this gap is by hiring a social media expert.
4. Grow Sales
Social media management is a great tool for business owners to use to grow their revenues without spending much on advertisements.
Given professional social media with the right skillsets, your online sales record could amazingly shoot up hence hitting your targets and transforming your business.
5. Monitor And Evaluate Your Business Performance
You can never establish if your social media campaign is serving its purpose if you do not understand the metrics and data that reveal such information.
On the other hand, however, a social media manager is specifically trained to track and monitor metrics that matter and then adjust social media strategy as required.
Without hiring a social media manager to handle this task, you may end up wasting your time and money focusing on ineffective strategies.
6. Get Time To Grow Other Critical Parts Of Your Business
Concentrating on social media management all by yourself will eat up your productive time and leave you with little or no time to concentrate on other important sectors of your business.
While you focus on giving your business a strong online presence, you should also be aware that the current way you build relationships with customers remains unchanged.
Thus the best way to do that is to hire an experienced social media manager to do all the heavy lifting for you as you channel your energy on other important areas.
7. Get Ahead Of The Competition
If your social media marketing strategy is established well, it could kill the sleeping competition. With many South Sudanese business owners reluctant to take their businesses online, you go far ahead of them by using a professional social media expert to divert customers from them.
Just as when they are realizing the need for a social media manager, they would have fallen far behind the market already.
8. Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
Social media is an important factor when calculating your SEO rankings. Sharing content on your social media handles sends a signal to search engines that your business is actually valid, consistent, and can be trusted.
When your social media pages are well-optimized, you can generate leads from search engines that could turn into paying customers.
Allow a social media expert to handle your business’s social media handles and presence in general. Choose a professional who is dedicated to improving and maintaining your brand’s reputation on social media and at the same time helping your business increase sales.
What are your thoughts about hiring a social media manager for your business in South Sudan? Drop in the comments section.