Today was my lucky day. I happened to escort a friend who was in need of a Digitel-South Sudan SIM CARD. We started our quest at their offices at Juba-Town only to find a long queue waiting to be attended to. Surely it was a discouragement to wait for that long given that we had to run other personal errands.

We then opted to visit their Offices behind the UAP building where we found a considerable number of people waiting to be served.
Surely it didn’t take a while before I changed my mind to also acquire a Digitel-Simcard for myself too.
Their order of service is that you provide your original nationality card and they make a photocopy then you provide swappable phone number but starting with 098……..
The phone number is then run in their system and the price is determined depending on the category it falls under, for example, Gold, Platinum, or Normal.
In case the phone you provide has been checked in their system and they find that it’s reserved, they will also tell you so that you can look for other options.
Regardless, it doesn’t bring clarity to the real cost of Digitel-South Sudan Simcard. But you need to be ready to buy any of the categories depending on how deep your pocket goes.
Consider the Categories of sim cards Digitel-South Sudan sells to its Customers below.
1. Normal(Regular) Sim Card
The normal sim card costs only 500ssp
2. Silver Sim Card
The Silver Sim Card costs 2,000ssp
3. Gold Sim Card
The Gold Sim Card costs 15,000ssp
4. Platinum Sim Card
The Platinum Sim Card costs 50,000ssp
Depending on what category you fall in, be ready to cough these amounts listed above.
- No matter what category you fall in, the services are the same. So if you know that you’re not financially well-off, don’t fight to buy Platinum Sim Card thinking that it’s different from the Normal sim card.
- Their marketing strategy is designed to make you think there is a difference on the functionalities of the SIM cards.
A new Digitel Sim card comes with free 500MBs and 500 minutes valid for one month but may finish depending on your usage.
You have to wait for 24 hours before your SIM CARD can be activated. Simply dial *100# or call 100 followed by OK to activate your Digitel SIM CARD.
I hope this article was helpful in making you understand the Digitel pricing. Let’s Bridge the Digital Divide together.